African dwarf frog diet

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 9, 2011
Does anyone have suggestions on a a different diet because I really don't like these HBH frog bites all they do is break apart in the water before my frog can grab them when I hand feed them. So far their diet is 2 days bloodworms, 2 days brine shrimp and was 2 days these bites but what would be another good food for these frogs if I quit these bites.
Not sure but try blackworms and mysis shrimp. You can feed the bloodworms consistently.. Mine love those
I've been feeding the HBH for months, so I don't really know why you are having the problem. The pellets are made to be very soft, so as to avoid causing the frogs to get constipated. If you are able to get the frogs used to eating in a certain spot, they will find the food quicker. Pick out a certain place in the tank, close to their favorite hiding spot is good. Then feed them as close to the same time every evening to see if they will find the pellets before they completely disintegrate. When I feed mine, I don't find a single crumb in their food dish.

As far as a feeding regemine, the best diet I've used is alternating bloodworms and HBH pellets; feed them every other night.
I have tried all of this when I do this guppys and ghost shrimp eat the pellets and when I hand feed they fall apart to quick i am changing to all liveand frozen food diet.
This is why it is not recommended to keep any fish with ADF's. They are so blind and clueless that they are slow to find any food unless it hits them in the face. When are you feeding the frogs? Do you wait until the lights have gone out or do you do it when the lights are still on? The fish may still get some of the food, but your frogs may have a bit more of an advantage.

IMO, the best thing to do is try to get the ADF's their own tank. They can survive in a community tank, but they only thrive in a species tank if you ask me.
Well I feed them during the day and these guys are doing great they have nice round stomachs and are very active so trust me they are getting enough food and I can't get a tank for a while now anyway as I just got this one and I'm just looking for another option for a food btw.
I took the lid off of a sunny d bottle and buried it in the sand of my ten gallon tank. Then I thaw our brine shrimp or bloodworms and squirt some on top of the tank to distract my betta, and then I gently "pour" the rest into the lid. About ten minutes later, I turn the lights off.

My betta will have gotten his fill, and once the lights off he goes into 'sleep' mode. Then, since the lights are off, all four of my ADF's come out of the plants right over to the bowl to eat.
This is what I use:
Tetra Repto Treat Bloodworms - Food - Reptile - PetSmart
My ADF love this. Its bloodworms in a nutrient gel. My cories like it and so do my betta but the frogs love it. It has a smell to it so they can fine it easily. It comes with little tubes that you can use for 3 days and have to store in the fridge. I think you get 16 tubes.

Also try what Talvari said. I feed mine right before I turn off the light for the night.
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