Aggressive neon tetra?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 22, 2011
i have 5 neon tetra in my 10g tank atm, they seemed really happy until i added some ghost shrimp, and a couple anacharis. i htink they are being a little bit aggressive but im not sure if they're just happy, and playing around.
some of them are chasing the others, like when one gets to close it'll quickly "nap" at it, but it wont continuously chase the other, so im not sure...

help please. :-(
i dont want unhappy fishies.
found the problem...
Ich, they've been flashing and i can see the faintest white spots on one guys fin....
I just get three neons. I would have gotten a school but they only had three. I love the little girls. One is missing an eyeball though. Sorry about ich. I have never experienced this. :(
yea, until right now, i didnt even know anything about it. im so glad i caught it this early. im going to start raising the temp of the water, and hopefully everyone will make it through :)
i love my neons, every tank should come with 5 :)
was thinking about getting a couple more, guess thats gotta wait till this ich is taken care of :-/ haha
yea, i read an article about how to treat ick. i've also heard about the neon disease, poor guys...
Ich? its a parasite. makes fish stressed, and i've heard it slows their appetite, and makes it harder for them to breathe, esp. if the parasite is in their gills. you'll see white spots on the fish, or the fish might "flash", which means they will rub against something hard, pretty fast, and you usually see their lighter belly, so it looks like a flash.
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