Angelfish - Ich, wound, fungus?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 13, 2014
London, UK
I have a female Angel (part of a breeding pair, height about 10cm). She has a lump on her side (midway along). I have noticed that it has gotten bigger over the last week or two and has a lumpy texture. I have never seen Ich or fungus on fish before so am concerned to establish what it is and take action and it did not look like pics i found on google.

I have posted pics of her here:

Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - bobthop's Album: Angel - Ich, Wound or something else?

Other than the lump she is doing great, feeding and spawning (yesterday). She has some fin damage which I noticed shortly after getting her home - but this has been stable for a couple of months.

Thank you in advance for reading and any advice.

Background Info

Tank: 200L (ammonia=0, nitrites=0, nitrates=10-25, pH 8, KH 180, GH125, temp 76).

Stock: 2 Angels about 10cm tall, 10xBentosi Tetra + 5 Albino Cory (all 4-5cm), 1x Bristlenose Cat 8cm, Selection of plants and java moss bonsi tree, black sand and substrate (from from same LFS).

Filtration: Fluval U4 (1000 L/H - 260 GPH)

History: Cycled in Feb stocked gradually during March. Some issues with diatoms but now crystal clear, some green algae as normal and added Bristlenose last week. 2 weeks ago found dead Tetra behind filter - possibly was there a few days (cloudy eye bit smelly etc - had been snacked on) I found as Angels were pecking at back of filter and I assumed old food stuck back there.

Regime: 35L Water change weekly (24hours in buckets + Aquarecare Conditioner and dechlorinator). bi-weekly Gravel Vac and one sponge rinsed. Feeding Flakes 6 days, Friday treat Bloodworms & Catfish Tablets or Courgette (aka Zucchini).



I would say not ich or a bad bacterial infection. And water specs look fine although I would increase the water change % for a bit to see if that helps. Perhaps a wound or parasites - is the lump higher than the scales or are just scales missing? Is there anything sharp in the tank eg driftwood?
Thanks. Pretty sure it is an infected wound. Was happy tank; female and male have been spawning/defending their plant. But nothing fertilised. Seems she has kicked him out. Awful fighting for last 2 days (not just strength testing) and he is downstairs licking wounds and hanging with the Mollies in the 50L. Will try a decor move and reintroduction in a few days - if not one is going back to LFS. For now both need wounds to heal. Have got eSHa rot, fungus, bacteria treatment going in both tanks as a precaution.

Anything else I can do?
Trouble in paradise!

I'd increase the number of pwc's to give them clean water and test your ph, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate as well just in case the bb gets knocked around by the meds. Is it healing?
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