Annual Tropical Fish & Guppy Show, Nov 6-7, free to publ

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 27, 2004
San Diego, CA
Sat Nov 6th and Sunday Nov 7th is the Annual Tropical Fish Show hosted by The San Diego Tropical Fish Society. This year the San Diego Guppy Association will be joining us and presenting a guppy show as well. There will be many tanks of freshwater fish, saltwater fish, goldfish, show guppies, bettas, plants, invertebrates, angelfish, snails, etc, on display. This show is free to the public, please come down and have some fun. We will be presenting mini lectures on various aspects of fish keeping, there is a raffle with prizes, more Room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego (Next to the San Diego Zoo) For more information, a map with directions, info on how you can enter your fish, guppies or tanks in the show (Yes, you can participate too, win trophies, plaques and ribbons!) Please email Barbara at, call our info line at 619-281-3474 or visit our website at
The show is open daily from 10-4, come on over!!
The weekend following this event, the San Diego Tropical Fish Society is holding it's annual, MEGA HUGE Tropical fish auction, same place (room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego). This yearly event is free to attend, free to participate in, and major fun! Hundreds of items will be up for bid, all brought in by members of the club. Fish, many rare! Plants, tanks, stands, equipment, live foods, books, magazines, etc. November 14th, 6 PM. bring cash! When you walk in the door, you will be handed a bidding number, you hold it up if you want to bid on something. It is that simple!! For more info, email me at
See you there!!
FawnN said:
Wouldn't miss it for the world. I will definitely be their for the big auction. Can't wait! :D

Hi Fawn,
That is great :) You don't want to miss the auction, it is a once a year event that gets hundreds of items. Lots of fish and plants that you never see in fish stores too. Killifish, rare angels like Koi, wild livebearers (many collected by club members!), goodeids, lots of species of home bred corydoras catfish, plecos, south american cichlids, central american cichlids, africans, invertebrates, discus, etc. It is amazing what comes though, you will go crazy, LOL! (I know I do) We have several big plant enthusiasts who bring in many gorgoeus and often never seen aquarium and pond plants. Live food cultures of everything you can imagine. You just never know what is going to show up. Get there a bit early so you can take your time looking though all the stuff! Here are some photos from last year.
Best, Barb
I encourage everyone to go to local fish club auctions--they are a great way to see new things and maybe take home some new finned friends!
By the way, anyone with guppies (Fish store or show strains) are encouraged to bring them down and show them in the show! The more the merrier, we will help you when you get here. All you need is the fish in a plain bowl (no gravel or plants). Either in pairs or single males. It is fun, and you might win a prize! Email me at for further info :)
That is so awesome. I plan on grabbing my friend that is a total fish addict and we plan on being there from the beginning to the end.

As for the gupppies. I have some awesome looking one's right now that I've bred & rasied myself that I would love to show off. :D

Heck, I've already made babysitting arrangements and told my husband he will need to fend for himself that day. :lol!:
I wish this was closer to me too. I will have to drive 2 hours to this auction. And that's if I don't run into any traffic.
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