Another newbies set of questions.....

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 2, 2005
I am contemplating a salt water setup. I need advice on what to get.
Heres what I have
25 Gal tank
fluvial 204

I want to have anenomies (Sp) and clowns, corals, and live rock, on a small scale.

What kind of light is reccomended, do I need a protein skimmer, & heater.

It is going to be kept in the bedroom, in a corner.

Help me please!!!
Thanks in advance!
hi valerie. i'm in the same boat as you... althouh my tank is 35G

from what i've learnt if you want coral, or invertabre. they require a very powerful light souce, and a powerhead or skimmer for water movement.

in my tank i'm looking at seting up clowns. with LR

if you do water changes weekly you probably dont need a protein skimmer.

what substrate will you be using? live sand? coral sand?

you will need a heater.. 100-150W should do the job.

i cant recomment any lighting. as i'm new to this too. it;s not cheap thats all i know :)
That setup sounds great but remember the larger the tank the more stable the parameters. The things to consider is that clowns dont require anenomes to be happy. Anenomes also require an established tank of at least 6 months but closer to a year. A protein skimmer is recommended but not required. You can perform routine water changes instead but it sure helps to keep up water quality. As for lighting it is up to you with the plan for the tank. Anenomes require high light. Corals range in lighting needs. I use PC lighting and have several corals that are thriving. A good estimate is 4watts per gallon and higher for some corals and anenomes. First thing to do now is get a good book and read it and keep up with the forums here. Good luck
I had a seabea for about 2 years, I had about 3W/gallon. My seabea was slowly shrinking month after month until it disapear... :( Two possibility:
-Not enough light
-I wasnt feeding it.

I really think that by feeding them you can keep them way longer even if you have a little lack of light (like me with my 3W/gallon)...

I also had 2 clown.

If it would be to redo, I would first buy ane anemone and wait until she gets use too the tank, and after I would buy 2 clown at the same time (be sure that the clowns are symbiotic to the type of anemone you have!!)
Welcome to!!! :smilecolros: :smilecolros: :smilecolros: :smilecolros:
First thing to do is by a good book on SW tanks. I like "The Coscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fener. Full of great info.
I to would like to caution you on the anemone. These are not easy animals to keep. They require a very mature tank (8-12months) with pristene and stable water conditions. High intensity light as well. If I was to give you one suggestion on the tank itself...get plenty of LR. 1.5-2lbs/gal. It will help make things easier on you. Keep stopping AA with your questions.
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