Any luck with medicine laced foods?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 13, 2011
My two percula clowns have a strand of long feces hanging, they are eating fine and swimming normally. Took a picture to my lfs whole said he believes it is an internal issue, he gave me some food that is medicated, non copper based and says its reef safe. I guess it can't hurt to try. Has anyone had any luck with this before?
Purevil21 said:
My two percula clowns have a strand of long feces hanging, they are eating fine and swimming normally. Took a picture to my lfs whole said he believes it is an internal issue, he gave me some food that is medicated, non copper based and says its reef safe. I guess it can't hurt to try. Has anyone had any luck with this before?

Brand info?

I tried the jungle anti-parasite for my Moors and it didn't help at all, but I used it for a different ailment so you may have better luck.

Sent from my Epic 4G
Yep, same stuff.

I can tell you this though. The instructions say "feed twice a day, 3 days in a row for 4 weeks". Someone else using it called them and they were told that for the other 4 days of the week, you're not supposed to feed them anything. They don't say that on the packaging though :p which is most likely why it didn't help me, but since I'm trying a different med treatment I didn't restart it.

Sent from my Epic 4G
I see, well I hope it works. The fish don't appear to be stressed, they are swimming and breathing normally. There aren't any signs of irritation and my Blenny isn't showing any signs of problems.
I'm worse than a noob when it comes to SW so I can't offer any advice, just what I know about the jungle food, sorry. You can also search here or on Google with the species and symptoms and see if anything pops up.

I'd be interested to find out how the med foods work when you get through it.

Good luck!

Sent from my Epic 4G
The problem with many "laced foods" is that they have a diluted concentration of medicine. You're better off purchasing Panacur and gut-loading adult brine or Praziquantel baths (some fish won't tolerate this, but haven't had problems with clownfish).
A good food with vitamine C, sometimes mysis shrimp Soaked in GVH fish food soak (with all kinds of vitamins, garlic, HUFA'S, phytoplankton) with a dose of Metronidazole. I feed everyother day while I'm medicating.

When fish digest the med. (Enless they say not to for any reason) is gonna be the best way to medicate them. Other than mixing things into sump or tank.

If any of you try this let me know...
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