Any suggetions to my tank setup?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 10, 2012
This is it. I'm open to ANY suggestions. Don't worry my feelings won't be hurt. It is a peacock / mbuna tank.


  • image-838170079.jpg
    127.5 KB · Views: 132
Looks pretty good, but I dont like the driftwood on rock. Also maybe you could put some more rocks.
I added more rock and noted the drift wood. I agree I like it much more now. Hopefully gonna get some java fern tomorrow.
Lets see a pic! Check mine out, I have java ferns. I used to keep cichlids in there but they outgrew the tank so quick that I now have kribs and Im going to get some german blue rams and maybe some bumble bee gobys.


You can see the creeper krib in the cave.
Here's the new setup.


  • image-1956015639.jpg
    103.1 KB · Views: 127
Lets see a pic! Check mine out, I have java ferns. I used to keep cichlids in there but they outgrew the tank so quick that I now have kribs and Im going to get some german blue rams and maybe some bumble bee gobys.

You can see the creeper krib in the cave.

Just to make sure you know, kribs and rams are cichlids as well ;)
Just added a few plastic plants


  • image-3717023569.jpg
    113.6 KB · Views: 92
I think more rocks better when your housing mbuna. They love caves and spaces to hide, as long as they have room to swim, and plenty of hiding spaces, your golden.. I like that setup too, looks good man.

I think more rocks better when your housing mbuna. They love caves and spaces to hide, as long as they have room to swim, and plenty of hiding spaces, your golden.. I like that setup too, looks good man.

The more rocks the better**
This is it. I'm open to ANY suggestions. Don't worry my feelings won't be hurt. It is a peacock / mbuna tank.

I wouldnt reccomend mixing peacocks and mbunas. The mbunas are a lot more aggressive I learned that the hard way and lost some of my favorate peacocks not to mention they were the most expensive ones out of the bunch. I would do one or the other.
The mbunas I have are Yellow tailed Acei. I know they are still "aggressive" but they are considered to be the least of the mbunas.
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