Anyone have any assassins snails in Hampton Roads area?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 5, 2011
Virginia Beach, VA
I've got a HUGE infestation of those awful pond snails. I've tried many things and they just seem to keep coming back.

I've heard that assassin snails eat the pond snails, and that sounds awesome.

If you live in the Hampton Roads area, I can meet you at a fish store in the area and pay you handsomely for these snails. I'm looking for only 1-2.
Have you tried the all pet on first colonial in Virginia beach? I used to see assassin snails there all the time.
Yea they are open I go in once a week to check it out. Also the snails your trying to get rid of the ones with the spiral shell?
No, they are rounded. I have the Malasian Trumpet Snails in the other tank, but they don't reproduce as often as these pond ones. I can never see their eggs, and every time I fish one out of the tank it has inevitably been crushed by my attempts to get it out, which means its egg sac has been released in the water already and the whole cycle begins again.
O I feed the fw spiral shelled ones to my sw puffer as treats I get the girl at all pet to gimmie some lol.have you tried the lettuce trick to get them out
No, I'm not that patient, haha.

I ended up dumping the whole tank out (horrible, I know) and scrubbing the glass and replacing all the ornaments and gravel. I didn't replace the filter, but I didn't have any fish in there at the time anyway so it worked out. I'm still paranoid that the pond snails will come back though, plus I think the assassin snail would look kind of neat in that 5g tank.
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