Anyone know why...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 28, 2009
I had a long hairgrass plant. (I think thats what it was called) but it looked totally healthy when I got it. Then a week later the entire plant just died. like the entire thing was dead. I have no idea what happened. It's not like it was showing any signs of being unhealthy.

If anyone has any ideas I would love to know what to do (or not do) next time.
Sometimes new plants go into shock when taken home and planted in a new tank. I've found that by cutting off the dead leaves or stalks planting it the way it should be (some require the crown just above the gravel, rhizome, etc) use my normal ferts, it comes back. As long as the root is still healthy white it's good.
Might it have been a val of some sort...a tall grass like an onion plant?

Do you use excel as a carbon source?
with out more info its hard to say. it might be the light. it might have been grown emmersed and there is a transition position.
I can't even remember exactly what it was but i remember it was just like tall spikes, and it was something "hairgrass". It was just strange how overnight the entire plant was just pretty much gone. (Wasn't eaten, parts of it were all shriveld up attached to the roots.) Someday I'll really get into planted tanks. I just got plants for my tank because I didn't like the look of plastic or silk ones.
I can't even remember exactly what it was but i remember it was just like tall spikes, and it was something "hairgrass". It was just strange how overnight the entire plant was just pretty much gone. (Wasn't eaten, parts of it were all shriveld up attached to the roots.) Someday I'll really get into planted tanks. I just got plants for my tank because I didn't like the look of plastic or silk ones.

Giant or umbrella hairgrass or perhaps dwarf hairgrass?

Did it look like this?

If it was that grass, then it might have been grown in air and in order to get the submerged for of the grass you have to cut it back and let it regrow again.
great point crazyplantlady. that could be it i forgot about some of those sneaky tricks they do.

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