Apistogramma tank mates?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 13, 2017
Hello! I'm currently cycling my planted 29g which will eventually hold a pair of cockatoo apistos. I'll be putting in some small schooling species as well, and I'm hoping to get fish that won't interfere with breeding if I decide to breed the apistos. I was originally planning on getting a dozen celestial pearls, since I've kept them in the past, but the price has gotten really steep in the past few years and I don't think I want to spend $84 on a dozen tiny fish right now :blink:

I'm probably going to go with pencilfish instead, but I'm wondering if I can add just a few celestial pearls as well? What's the smallest number you'd recommend keeping celestial pearls in?

Also, I adore Emerald Dwarf Rasboras/Danio Erythromicron, but I'm not sure if the breeding apistos might get too rough for them?

What do you guys think?

TIA! :)
I would be careful with the tiny danios. Apistos aren't known to be piscavores, but most omnivorous fish won't pass up an easy meal. If it will fit in their mouth, they'll likely eat it.
Thanks, SherLar. I think the CPDs should be okay since I've seen others keep them successfully, but your comment confirms I might have to give up my erythromicron dream and wait until I have another tank for them, they are tiny little fish.

I will look more into rasbora species and see if I fall in love with any, thanks Barliman! :)
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