Aptashia Question.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2013
I have aptashia in my tank before today I didn't know what it was. My LFS informed me I need to get it out of there. Problem is I'm starting up a new tank and wanted to use all my live rock and crushed corral due to all the pods I have in my tank. What are your suggestions?

I'm trying to figure out the hindrance of your getting rid of Aptaisia against your new tank. All you need is the AptaisiaX from your LFS and inject it to its mouth and it will perish. The box contains the syringe to apply the treatment.
I used lemon juice an a syringe from the pharmacy in a grocery store. Injected a little bit of juice into the stem and they're gone the next day. It's just very effective, safe, and cheap. Make sure to have carbon in a high flow area when doing this.
Side note, you might want to seriously ditch the idea if using your current crushed coral for your new tank.. Kind of asking for problems if you use it
Get a peppermint shrimp or a few depending on the size of your tank. My partner had an outbreak of apitasia we brought a file fish and he didn't touch it, was advised to get a peppermint shrimp so I did. It was 2 weeks before we noticed a difference, but a week later all the apitasia was gone. :)
Thinking of getting a peppermint shrimp cause i just notice an aiptasia in my tank. Problem is I have a cleaner shrimp and I wonder if there will be any issue having both shrimps in a 60 gal tank.
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