AquaOne 980T planted tank lighting

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 27, 2011
New Zealand

I have read in many places that lighting needs to be anywhere from 2W per litre of water, to 2.5W per 4 litres of water in order to achieve good plant growth.

I have an Aqua One 980T, which means my lighting options are fairly limited to the in built lights:

2 x 30W bulbs, 36 inches
1 x 25 watt bulb, 30 inch (this is a Triphosphor bulb, 8,000 lumens)

I am trying to grow some plants in a community / biotope tank - but it wont be an overly heavily planted tank.

To be honest the lighting seems to be fairly good, and in my previous 620T tank plants grew really well, particularly once they started.

I have Flourite substrate, and dose with flourish and flourish excel religiously.

My questions are:

1. Will i be able to grow plants well with these conditions
2. What are the best bulb options (specific bulbs / brands if possible) for these 3 light spaces...

Cheers ;)
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