Avatar picture quality.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2021
No big deal, but I’m curious as to why the avatars appear blurry but photos in the threads don’t.
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Avatars have an 80 x 80 pixel limit (120 × 120 pixels for supporting members).

Attached photos have a 1000 x 750 pixel limit.

There is also a 10MB attachment storage limit, so if you post a lot of photos as attachments you will hit that limit after a while and lose the ability to attach photos. They cant be deleted. You will then need to use a photo hosting site like Imgur to add photos. Using a Imgur is far better than the built in photo attachments anyway.
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OK, thanks. I do not store any photos here. Never got around to mastering my digital SLR cam & my iPad ones are subpar to say the very least.

You’re saying I’d have to use PayPal for a larger image? I don’t care for a bigger one, rather one that looks like I didn’t slather the camera lens with Vaseline to mask my wrinkles. lol. This was done in the olden days before speciality lens came along.
Again, my reluctance to PayPal here is that I guard my privacy & PayPal provides personal details to the recipient.
OK, thanks. I do not store any photos here. Never got around to mastering my digital SLR cam & my iPad ones are subpar to say the very least.

You are misunderstanding me. Every time you attach a photo to one of your posts, you are using up some of your 10MB allowance. Once the combined size of all the photos you have attached gets to 10MB you will lose the ability to attach photos to your posts. From then on, if you want to continue including photos with your posts, you will need to utilise a photo hosting site and attach photos as links. Imgur works very well for this.
Indeed I did. Is there a simple way to delete the uploaded photos?
Where can I view my unused storage #?

There is no way of deleting photos from posts, and as far as im aware no way to view remaining storage. But, at max allowed resolution, 10MB would be 40 photos.
Thanks, Is there a way to delete entire posts?
We dont delete posts without reason. It messes up searches etc. Solution is to use a photo hosting website as explained.
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Gotcha, thanks.

I went to manage attachments & see I've used 6.23 MB. I think photos greatly enhance a site & going outside can be tedious. Why so strict on the 10 MB limit? Would it require the purchase of greater bandwidth?
Gotcha, thanks.

I went to manage attachments & see I've used 6.23 MB. I think photos greatly enhance a site & going outside can be tedious. Why so strict on the 10 MB limit? Would it require the purchase of greater bandwidth?

It's usually a matter of data storage. Text messages and posts like this use very little space on a hard drive. Whereas pictures can quickly fill up the forum's hard drive/ available space.
I may experiment with sending photos from my iPad to my laptop & shrinking them.
Has anyone here successfully used a photo compressor app that reduces file size and allows images to be posted in this forum? I’m seeing some apps at the Apple Store, not sure if they’d do what I want. They may be designed to maximize storage on one’s device.
Windows 10 has some software called Photos, that allows you to view and edit the size of images and compress them so they are smaller. Windows "Paint" also has a resize button.
I have no idea what is available if you are using an Apple computer tho.

I used to use some software (Arcsoft Photo Studio 2000 or 5.5) that came with a scanner for scanning pictures into a computer. There are heaps of different types available and most do a similar thing. The main thing is to have a high % when you save the image.
eg: You shrink or crop and image down to a smaller size. You go "Save As" and have the compression at 90% or higher. If you use a lower %, say 75%, the image won't be as clear. The lower % will make the file use less data but you lose image quality. A higher % gives a clearer nicer picture.

Jpegs (Jpgs) also take up less space than Bmp or PNG, and as long as the file isn't compressed too much, you get a good quality picture.

If you Google "free image editing software", there will be a few to try.
Thanks, much appreciated as always, Colin. I do have a laptop here running Windows, a Microsoft Surface Pro & a Samsung Galaxy tablet, but mostly I use one of my 4 iPads. I love iPads. Interestingly, images sent from the iPad to the Lenovo laptop are automatically converted to jpeg. Not sure if other formats are there as well, but I am at a forum that only uses jpeg, so have to email my iPad images to the laptop.

Yes, I need to resize images posted here.

I will def Google free imaging editing software. I don’t mind paying something for the correct app. The one that may have been ok at the Apple Store said it was free, but wanted a credit card number, so I backed out, in case it’s not right for my needs.

You’ve given me much to mull over. Thanks again!
Today I learned the photo editing that came with the Lenovo can resize. It runs Windows 10 & wants me to update to 11. It can do many things the built-in iPad editor can’t. I got my avatar down to 80x80 and it’s as blurry as ever, but sure I’ll see decent results on my bigger pics taken on this iPad that go >1MB
Keep practicing with the software. Normally the smaller the image, the sharper it looks. If it is more blurry there is something going on with the compression ratio.
I will, Colin. Plan to try with a larger file next time. But it says here the avatar must be 80x80 and that’s what I entered into the Windows editor. The supporting membership ones are 120x120 and they suck too. This forum has the worst avatars I’ve seen anywhere. My beautiful polka dotted Jack Dempsey looked like a blue dog poop. I look like a blob. Maybe a simple cartoon sketch would be ok.
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