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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 27, 2011
Morristown, TN
I am going to be getting a 55g tank tomorrow evening. It includes gravel substrate, but I was wondering if this would be sufficient for most plants. I am planning on: Wisteria, Amazon Sword (I know they get BIG), Anacharis, Rotala, Cardamine, and some others. Will gravel be okay for theses since they aren't heavy root feeders, with the exception of the sword? The lighting will be t5. I am just wanting to ensure I get some decent growth, of course nothing like my dirt tanks. Thanks!
Gravel should be fine as long as you provide some kind of root tab to supplement the plants that are root feeders, the only issue might be getting the plants to stay put at first but that is really dependent on gravel size.
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