Before I start my planted tank.....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 6, 2011
Hello! I'm trying to get as much info as possible before I begin my journey with a planted tank. I read that I should put a heating cable underneath my substrate but I haven't seen anyone here mention it. I'm just wondering if it is a must as I'm on the bottom rung of the ladder with the "newbies" .....sorry if it seems to be a silly question, just not sure. Thanks for any and all help :thanks:
it doesn't matter, i have never done that in any of my planted tanks......i would say that it isn't a + because say u have an issue with the heater........u'll have to ruin ur whole plant scape to fix it, or replace it.......just use a regular oen;)
Thanks guys! FishBoss~I was kinda thinking the same thing if I needed to get to it for some reason and OasisKeeper, its hard to tell what is necessary and what isn't due to manufacturers wanting to make sales. I have learned though that it isnt always wise to take advice from the lfs very often :)
Thanks guys! FishBoss~I was kinda thinking the same thing if I needed to get to it for some reason and OasisKeeper, its hard to tell what is necessary and what isn't due to manufacturers wanting to make sales. I have learned though that it isnt always wise to take advice from the lfs very often :)

yeah;) only if ur LFS is good;)
i guess the only + of the heating thing is that it heats the water more evenly and spreads the heat, but i guess if u have good flow from ur filter, it would be the same and less of a hassle that way;)
0.5 F drop from top of 1.5" of Eco Complete to the bottom. The tank water is about 6 deg above room temperature.

So.. if you are running warm tanks in cold rooms . then yah, maybe it would be a good idea.
I'm thinking that by cold rooms you mean something other than the normal living room temp?!?! I'm thinking I should be fine w/out one :)
Some people swear by the heating cables, especially with plants like crypts. I don't think they're necessary. You'd be better off spending the money on a good light and CO2 system.
Thank you!! Thats my next question.....i'm so sorry. Lighting....I've never had a planted tank so i'm not sure I can do it (gonna give it a shot though) I just want low lighted plants so I'm not sure if the typical lights in a standard hood will work? I need laymen's terms please :confused:
Jetajockey, is there a special name for them? I've read about LED and compact fluorescent and I'm a little confused
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