Betta help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 11, 2012
Hi, I just love bettas the color the way they move is just captivating. I want to keep many bettas, male and female, but don't really have room to have tons of 10gallon homes for them all. I know I can house them in 5, but don't really think they have enough space. Any suggestions???
Have you thought about maybe getting a 20 gallon long, and having multiple dividers with a betta in each section? It's a lot to clean.. but worth it?

If you want each to have ten, then you could keep two.. I have a betta in a 2.5, which is what's considered bare minimum, and I'm sure if you split it up into 5 gallon intervals and had 4 fish, that it'd be nice. I'd just suggest mesh barriers instead of glass, so the fish don't stress themselves out having males and females (females especially) next to them, in plain view.
Try this...
I have done that with a 10g. I have a male and 2 frogs on one side and a female and 2 frogs on the other. I'm betting you could do the same with larger tanks and divide them into more sections. I bet a 20g long would be easy to divide into 4, 5 gallon sections. I'd recommend filters at each end though. Mumma.of.two has done something similar and encouraged me to try as well. Good luck!
Oh wow thanks so much!!!!!!! I just got two female bettas from the pet store. I hate when I first get bettas because they aren't super healthy. Any tips on helping a betta get healthy quick?
Crazy4fish said:
Oh wow thanks so much!!!!!!! I just got two female bettas from the pet store. I hate when I first get bettas because they aren't super healthy. Any tips on helping a betta get healthy quick?

If it was bought from a cup make sure the new tank has very clean water and cycled of course have a heater,filter and lots of hiding spots and make sure the current isn't too strong and it'll get used to it's new home and I'm sure appreciative of being out of it's old home
Yes, it has all of those things I have my betta in a 10gallon tank she is really loving it too!
I've had mine now for a few weeks and she is finally starting to liven up. Last night I caught her playing in the bubbles at the back of the tank. She will get there :)
I generally avoid bettas if they look lethargic.. the store I buy from has healthy, lively bettas, so I wouldn't know.

I'd say just give her some time and some care, and she'll perk up over time. It has to be rough staying in those small cups growing up for a fish, so once she has space she'll start getting more active, and hopefully that will help her regain some health.

Also, if you feed your bettas blood worms as treats every now and then, they really perk up! You can get frozen bloodworms at your lfs. They love them!

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