Black beard algea

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 7, 2012
Is this stuff harmfull to my fish? It's all over my tank. I see when the fish try to eat it, it seems like it tickles them or something.
Is It harmful?
No, it's not harmful to them. The reason it may appear that it tickles them it that they are trying to eat it, and they wiggle their body so a a piece tears off the wall.
Oh this is no Bueno....
Why is it that this Bba has decided to infest my tank. ?
Also my tank walls are being attacked by a green splotchy looking algae, they used to get what I was under the impression of diatoms all over, would just kinda fog the glass. But now it has green dots on it. And it's very hard to scrub off
sounds like green spot algae. Best to scrape off with a razor blade.

what are your water parameters? water change schedule? tank size? lights?
If your tank is having issues with all these different algae's then it's very out of balance. Answering Phin's questions is necessary to help you but with algae this bad you need to run your lights only 6 hours daily. Once you post your answers further help can be offered for correcting your algae problems.
You can't just dump x amount of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) in an aquarium to get rid of BBA. You can spot treat BBA with H2O2 by pulling up 2-3ml of H2O2 per 10 gallons of tank water in a needless syringe then slowly squirting the algae. If alot is present in the tank then you'll have to treat an area a day. You also need to turn off the tank lights and filter for 15 minutes in order to give the H2O2 time to work. Using more than the amounts listed can cause an overdose in the tank and stock can be lost. BUT as stated before you need to give tank details so the problem of what is causing the algae can be found and addressed.
This type of advice is too general to give out. Accurate dosing amounts should be used when giving advice to others. 1 cup to 100g's doses to ???? The OP hasn't even stated the size of thier tank. Plus the baseline is information on the tank is needed to find and address the problem/s causing the algae, the mutltiple types of algae, they have.

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