Black Skirt Tetra Spawning?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 29, 2013
I went to PetSmart Wednesday and got 6 neon tetras and 3 black skirt tetras. Well after they was let out of the tank from being acclimated 2 of them went off on there on and the other was trying to swim with them but the other 2 chased him away a lot. To make a long story short, the two was male and female and the female has eggs. I knew they was spawning because the male keeps going after the female from underneath on the side. So I put both of them in my 10 gallon tank that had an oto and angel in it. So Paired tetras are really spawning and theres eggs everywhere.
My question is, How do I take care of eggs? Do I leave the parents with them? Is it ok for the eggs to be on the sponge filter? How long does it take for them to lay ALL the eggs? Will they eat crushed up flakes? How long is it till they are born? HELPPPP

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