black spots on clown loach

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2013
Portland, OR
Hi guys, I bought two clown loaches a while ago for my 30 gal but then after research realized that they needed a bigger home. I gave them to my mom, who has a 100 gal. I still watch them all the time because they're awesome but today I noticed one of them has black spots on his fins and a few on his this a disease or normal pigmentation? my internet research has shown mixed answers
Hi guys, I bought two clown loaches a while ago for my 30 gal but then after research realized that they needed a bigger home. I gave them to my mom, who has a 100 gal. I still watch them all the time because they're awesome but today I noticed one of them has black spots on his fins and a few on his this a disease or normal pigmentation? my internet research has shown mixed answers

I'd check just in case:

If the fish is flashing or rubbing a lot. Also if the spots have shown up quickly.

It seems black spot disease has a complex life cycle reading it. I've never had it here so not sure how possible that might be.

Also water specs - in particular ammonia.

Beyond that I can't offer much help as have only seen them at the lfs.
I'd check just in case:

If the fish is flashing or rubbing a lot. Also if the spots have shown up quickly.

It seems black spot disease has a complex life cycle reading it. I've never had it here so not sure how possible that might be.

Also water specs - in particular ammonia.

Beyond that I can't offer much help as have only seen them at the lfs.

Ammonia & nitrites are 0, pH is around 6.8 or 7.0. Haven't seen the fish flashing at all, they are acting totally normal besides these black spots. And yeah there aren't any birds or snails in the tank so black spot disease seems unlikely lol...The spots did show up very quickly though, almost overnight. So confused!
Yeah, they're acting totally normal that's why it's so weird! Still same healthy appetites as always. I think I need to give it more time and see if their behavior changes at all
Given what you've said, welcome to loach life!
You'll have many more years of bizarre antics from this species. I guarantee that!

The fish picture I showed you, that fish looks completely different now
(no meds)

Normally it's the biggest fish. Sometimes it's the middle sized group. Rarely is it the smallest fish. (Within a shoal of clown loach)
I haven't seen it affect the whole shoal at one time. If it does I'd probably look into some medication. Normally within a week or so things return to normal (change entirely)

Perhaps it is having no scales? Could be water related? Could be rivalry? Could be accidental damage?

Nobody knows, the fish are fine. It takes many years to get familiar with your loaches, even then they surprise you.
Given what you've said, welcome to loach life!
You'll have many more years of bizarre antics from this species. I guarantee that!

The fish picture I showed you, that fish looks completely different now
(no meds)

Normally it's the biggest fish. Sometimes it's the middle sized group. Rarely is it the smallest fish. (Within a shoal of clown loach)
I haven't seen it affect the whole shoal at one time. If it does I'd probably look into some medication. Normally within a week or so things return to normal (change entirely)

Perhaps it is having no scales? Could be water related? Could be rivalry? Could be accidental damage?

Nobody knows, the fish are fine. It takes many years to get familiar with your loaches, even then they surprise you.

The spots are already going away it's so bizarre! I sure love them, wish I had them at my house instead of my mom's but my tank is too small. They have the most personality of any fish I've seen lol
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