Blue Ram being a little trouble maker?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 24, 2012
I used to have 2 blue rams in an old 10 gallon tank until the female passed away leaving the male alone so I decided to get a 30 gallon and get him more company. The blue ram is just evil , he chases all bolivian rams who are the most peaceful fish for as far as I know(and gets kind of scared of the dwarf gouramis). If I get him two females and a male(or something like that), will he do better? I was thinking about bringing the old 10 gallon to life and bring him back with two more females and one male as my Bolivians are being stressed out.Is this the best idea or could he be kept in the 30 gallons with more females? Has anyone had the same problems? Please don't tell me to get rid by donating him to petco or anything like that as he was my first fish(I did not set up the tank that time, my cousin did so I was still a newbie until I signed up for this site)
Well, I personally don't think rams belong in a 10g tank, but you shouldn't leave him in the 30 with the Bolivians is he just going to chase them all over.
I suggest you put him in the 10g for now and try to get a slightly bigger tank for his long term living arrangement. If you do choose to leave him in the 10, do not get 3 more rams to put in there with him. That would be way too much. If he has to go in the 10, I suggest you have just him in there.
Well, I personally don't think rams belong in a 10g tank, but you shouldn't leave him in the 30 with the Bolivians is he just going to chase them all over.
I suggest you put him in the 10g for now and try to get a slightly bigger tank for his long term living arrangement. If you do choose to leave him in the 10, do not get 3 more rams to put in there with him. That would be way too much. If he has to go in the 10, I suggest you have just him in there.

Well then I guess I will have to go with a 20G or maybe it's time to upgrade the 30G tank lol. I will visit petsmart this weekend and see if they have any good deals on big tanks. Thanks! 4 rams will be too much, you right. I will just get him a female or try to upgrade soon so I can solve some problems lol.

Thanks again.
I understand I couldn't get rid of my fist black skirt Tetra so I bought a 55 instead of my 10 and bought 6 more.
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