Brown Hair-Like Stuff Growing off of Plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
I've had my planted tank for a couple of weeks now and everything had been going fine. The plants were going through photosynthesis and everyone seemed pretty happy. But today I came home to find this weird stuff growing all over my plants' leaves.

I would think it's algae, but it doesn't look like algae to me. It's like these REALLY long hairs growing off the plants. It's covering my rock too. It's on every plant except the swords and some of the java ferns, but the other plants are pretty much covered. What is it and how can I remove it without harming the plants?

Additional information: Lighting is two T5 HO bulbs. 2 watts per gallon. I have a CO2 system that's been giving me a bit of trouble lately by releasing too much CO2. It's still cycling and nitrites had only just begun to appear.
It could very well just be a hair algae species. Pictures would help get a more certain ID. Since you have high light and co2, do you also have ferts?
Yes I did fertilize. Unfortunately I have to add WAY more CO2 then I need because my CO2 system hates me so if I don't totally blast the co2 it'll shut off. THat only started happening a week ago so that can be the cause.

I do think it's some hair algae species. I'm getting some trapdoor snails to deal with the problem so hopefully that'll help. I'll also cut down on lighting. Since I can't lower the co2 level its the best I can do. I'll provide some pics.

9-13-122.jpg picture by perrypic9297 - Photobucket (just click next to view more pics. It's not too much yet but I'm afraid it'll keep growing)

Holy crap I also just found a tiny little snail climbing in my tank! I have no idea where it came from or what it is. It's probably about 2/16 of an inch and has a brown, football-shaped shell. Can you identify it?
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