Build my Led Fixture

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 17, 2013
So I have an aqueon 25 gallon premium tank and I want to upgrade the lights. Currently I have a coralife dual t5 no fixture with two 14 watt bulbs. I have l large amazon sword, multiple jungle val, java fern, and java moss. I use flourish micros, potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. My substrate is plain carribsea sand (not argonite). Also, I may buy a pressurized co2 system because my current diy one does not work so well. Plants I plan to include: dwarf hairgrass, water wisteria, rotala, ludwigia peruensis.
My question is: what beam angle should I get for the dutch planted 6300k bml 24" fixture? I plan to buy the little feet attachments that bml sells. My tank size is 24x19x12. (19" deep)
Not sure it this is important, but my tank is located in a dark room.
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