Can anyone help identify plants please

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2011
Hull, England
In the 1st pic its the one near the rock to the right of the pic, its dark green with paler centres. We have another variation which is pale green with almost white centre leaves (2nd pic in front of the rock , front right corner). Not gret pics i'm afraid but any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you.

You have a white ribbon plant plant there (Dracaena sanderiana). It is not an aquatic plant. It will eventually rot and die, and cause water issues. Your best bet would be take it out and put it in a pot next to the tank, unfortunately.
Thank you for your help! Luckily we have removed it now, gutted that the Water Garden Centre sold us it and continue to stock this type of plant!!
Thanks for the advice, will avoid this variation in the future :)
many stores stock non aquatic plants you just have to keep a eye out for it and know what you are buying.
fort384 said:
You have a white ribbon plant plant there (Dracaena sanderiana). It is not an aquatic plant. It will eventually rot and die, and cause water issues. Your best bet would be take it out and put it in a pot next to the tank, unfortunately.

I just purchased this myself, I was looking for a semi aquatic plant for my river tank, so only half of the plant is in water, I don't keep any creatures in the tank anymore just plant so I will see how well these guys do?
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