Can you identify this Killifish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 13, 2012
I have a lovely killifish pair in my tank (m/f) which I spotted in my lfs, they said they are killis, but unsure exactly which type.

My guess is either steel blue or notho, but Im hoping someone with more experience can identify them.
below are two pics of the male



thankyou for your help :)
It looks like it might be a female chocolate aphyosemion australe.... is it like 1 1/2 inches long?
Definitely a notho of some sort. probably a red tailed notho or scientific name: Nothobranchius guentheri. they are a hardy species but males are very agressive towards on another. there are several related species of these fish but this one is the most colorful. another similar species is the eggers notho which looks almost identical exept for the white tips on their fins. hope this info helped :)
thankyou for replys
The red tail is looking very similar to what we have, hes very friendly and will take food from my sons hand!

the femail is very shy in comparison, and we hardly see her.

such a shame they are annuals
Nothos can live about 2 years sometimes a little longer.That fish seems a little long in the body for a Nothobranchius species, although that was what first came to mind.

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