Can you influence a Clownfish to Host an anemone?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 27, 2009
Bayport, New York
Hello. FOWLR I would like to eventually turn into a Reef Tank w Anemones (I some say to start out as a Reef tank others say wait until the tanks established, everyone seems to think Anemones aren't for beginners etc..). In the event I gain the experience neccesary and the tank is in proper order, How can you influence Clownfishes to host? I have a Maroon Clown. Any particular species of anemones they prefer. Lighting levels? Flow?
In the wild Maroon clowns prefer Entacmaea quadricolor (BTA), but clownfish may adopt other anemones or none at all in home aquariums. BTA's are considered the easiest of anemones to keep. If you want to take trial runs you can add both to a holding tank for 2wks and see if any interest is displayed.
You definitely want to make sure your lighting will support an anemone before getting one. There are a few tricks out there for getting clowns near the anemone. Feeding the clowns near the anemone can work (this is what I did). I've read about a guy that got one of those algae clips that looks like a clown and put it near the anemone to trick his clowns into it.

GSM clowns tend to be more prone to accepting an anemone then other types. I've seen them host in tube anemones before. I agree with innovator on his suggestions.
In the sea, the Maroon Clownfish is only associated with the Bubble Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). An alternative anemone that Maroon Clownfish will sometimes accept is the Long Tentacle (Macrodactyla doreensis)
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