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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 4, 2004
Can someone tell me what to do with this caulerpa I purchased. It is not attached to a rock how do I get it to attach to a rock. Do I just stuff it between rocks or what?

Here is a pic of the two differnet types I got, does anybody know what kind they are?



Looks like the top pic of Razor calerpa (common name). The scientific name is lost to me at the moment. The second is feather calerpa or Calerpa Taxfolia I think. I need to look them up as I am obviously out of practice. Both are common macro algeas used in refugiums and some hobbiest even have them in the display tank. They are good nutrient exporters and should be trimmed back fairly often. Both will attach themselves if given the chance. Hold them down with a small rock and with a day or so they should be attached.

please reconsider this it will attach and you will not be able to bet rid of it it will take over everything we had this and other types go through the pump into the main tank when we first set it up now we have a plague it is taking over everywhere :x
I was advised to get this for my seahorses though, can't I just trim it?

Dustybrannum... are you asking me where I bought it. I bought it at the store I work at. It is Tropical fish store, we just sell it as caulerpa not the specific types.

I keep caul. in my 'fuge and throw some in my display every now and then for my angel to chew on. I've never attached it in the fuge, just let it tumble around.
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