cheap led lights

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 24, 2014
Im working on a $120 budget for led lighting capable of keeping my java fern anubius hornwort and java moss going.

so some info on the tank
84" long 24" wide and 26" from glass top to top of gravel
200 gallon tank stocked with a wide variety of fish
currently running 2 fluval 404s a emperor 400 and a medium sponge filter on a battery(in case of power outage).
my current light is pretty pathetic fluorescents i believe they are 36 watt lamp x 4 it barely gets light to the bottom of the tank.

im looking into any led lights even a floodlight if it will put out the right spectrum. id like to have a lighting quality high enough for some medium light plants on the gravel. Any suggestions would be great. I am willing to leave the old fluorescent on but would like to take the energy savings to convert the rest kf my tanks to led
ok lets lift the budget up what are some good led lights for the tank to get me to medium light at the bottom of the tank

figure a pair of 48" fixtures running about $150 each ill just gave to save a little longer at least my current lights will help reduce my tank heating bill lol
I have seen a lot of people recommend the Beamworks LED lights for planted tanks. I also found some LED tubes to refit T8 and T5 lights from fluorescent to LED. A quick search on Google will turn up some options. I just ordered some LED light bulbs in 6500k to try out. Aquatraders has LED plant lights for a very cheap price. Some people do not like their T5HO lights but I have never heard anything against their LED. I am happy with my T5 from them.
dam my 29 just started leaking draining water now have the inhabitants in a bucket luckily i have another 29 gallon empty
got the fish in an empty 10 gallon with the filter the tank filled and waiting for sand to settle before i move then into the 29
Tank leaks are really frustrating. My first tank was a used 10 gallon that leaked like crazy. I had to strip all the seams and re do them. Glad you were home when it happened. I have heard horror stories of people coming home to empty tanks, dead fish, and wet floors. Not good
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