Cichlids with catfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 18, 2013
First time user just want to ask anyone have experience with catfish with African cichlids have my eye on red tailed or shovel nose catfish I no de grow huge but have huge tank for wen der bigger just need to know if de can get on while young
What size tank do you have to put them in? If you are only planning on getting the tank don't pick one of these giants up until you do. Most catfish will be done with cichlids especially any of the synodontis cats
I have a synodontis eruptus with Africans and IMO he's awesome. They do get chunky though.
I have synodontis lucipinnis (dwarf petricola) in with my cichlids that get around 4inches so depending on your tank size these would be perfect. I dont really know anything about the ones you mentioned wanting though to be more helpful
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