Cleaning fish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 3, 2011
Waldorf md
What is a good fish to help clean the left over food and the bottom of your tank?
I have had catfish in the past but it pasted due to an outbreak of Ick, any other fish that are good at this? I have a 125g fish tank and was thinking about getting a bunch of ghost shrimp but I think I would need a whole bunch for that size tank, and ideas?
What else is in your tank?

Options are almost endless because you tank it so big.

Any kind of loach or cory cat would work.
Cleaning Fish

Hello Jeremy...

I have large, planted tanks and keep a lot of different kinds of Corydoras. They're a good bottom feeder. Never did get the hang of keeping shrimp. The best thing for your tank would be large and frequent water changes to take care of the excess food problem.

I change a minimum of half the water in my tanks every week and that way there's never a problem with toxins building up in the tanks. There just isn't time before the next water change.

This is just what I have and do.

What is a good fish to help clean the left over food and the bottom of your tank?

If you have leftover food, you are feeding WAY too much. So, that's easy, just feed less.

For cleaning the substrate, I count on myself, not a fish. :D
I have cichlids, oscars, mollies, spotted eel, and 2 lard plecos, and a jap algae eater, but because of the cichlids I have a lot of hiding spots that I just can't get to while cleaning my tank, unless I move everything and that would be alot of work. My pramaters are perfect but I know the left over food is falling into the cracks of thoes hiding spots. I would like a Cory cat but none of my LFS cary any and never have. I have some pictures in my profile of what my tank looks if that would be any help
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