Cloudy green tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 3, 2014
I have been fighting this for 4 weeks now. The fish store doesn't know what it is. At one point my Nitrate was very high, but now it's fine (10-20). Ammonia and Nitrite 0, PH 7.0. I've tried water changes, (4 gallon / 30 tank), and doubling up on stress coat and stress time. Did that for about a week. Fish store said I was doing too much, let it go. Cut back feeding every other day, stop the water changes. Did that, treated with charcoal to rectify high nitrates, also using Algone. I finally had to do a water change because it was so murky and ugly and it had been 2 weeks. Anyone have any ideas. I lost a couple of fish early on, but it's not impacting them. It's just UGLY.IMG_0188.jpg
Which should have cleared on it's own from what I understand. And 4 weeks?
Green algae killer uv sterilizer do you have it in direct sun light?
NO direct sunlight. Tank is about 8 years old, same location, nowhere near sunlight.
Your Tank

Hello nwill...

The chemistry is screwed up, that's why algae is out of control. The fish, plants and water all work together to make up stable properties. The process takes time. Small, infrequent water changes won't do much to help. A 30 gallon tank requires a 50 percent water change weekly, no slacking, so work up to that level.

By keeping the tank water close to a nitrogen free level, through large weekly water changes, you maintain stable water conditions. Add some stems of a floating plant like Hornwort. It will help filter the water between changes.

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