clown fishes feeding problem

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 10, 2009
Pleasanton CA
I bought this 2 clowns 2days ago.
the bigger one was checking the food out, but it won't eat it, it suck the food it and spit it out. and she also being so picky, only eat the bright color brine shrimps that I feed her.
the smaller one I m more concern, he din't even check the food out, he just keep swimming the whole day.

is this normal for new clowns intro to aquarium?
just want to make sure, since I only have 24hr to return if the fish is no good for my tank. XP
Fish take in and spit out food as a defense. In the wild they do this to kill their prey and also to break the food down to a size that they can handle. The bigger clown is your female and the dominant clown in the tank. Give them a few more days and they should be okay.
I was going to say I know you have a 24 hr guarantee but it`s going to take longer than that to see if they make it. That`s a pretty safe guarantee since 99.9% of fish make it the first day.
alrite, thanks guys for the replies

I tried brine shrimps the first day, and today I tried to mix shrimps, sea weed, and brine shrimps together. I also dropped tiny little bit of flakes to see if they will take them, but no luck.

guess I will keep trying,
any food u guys suggest I feed the clowns?
The best food is a variety. I feed mine flake, mysis and vitamin fortified brine. They also nip at the dried seaweed I have for my tangs.
Try soaking the food in Garlic Guard or some other garlic liquid your LFS hopefully has. It'll boost the immune system and often make finicky eaters begin to take food.
alrite, i do have garlic liquid, will try that too.
the small clown didnt make it, but the big one take a little bit of a small piece of shrimp this morning.
yea my paraMs r great, and the big one started to eat this morning, just a tiny bit but good start, gonna go get some brine n mysis shrimps this weekend.
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