Clownfish acting weird

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 25, 2010
Hi everyone,
We have a 180 gallon salt water tank. Only had it about 6 months. We lost several fish, then find a hairy crab hiding, he is now gone. But our clownfish they have never mated that we know of. They came with the tank. One orange (this is the bigger of the two) other black. The orange one has been acting weird. It has been swimming around the coral with it's head up like it's looking for something. They never use to go far from the anemone it has not been going into the anemone much lately. Any ideas what's going on.
Clownfish are about the weirdest fish you will ever own, they do the craziest things. That being said, its hard to tell exactly what you are saying, does it look like the fish is in stress or just being weird? A picture will probably help.
clown fish are named that for a reason. my mated pair did nothing forever but since thay cleared away m ambout a 3" square piece of my 2" sand bed they lay eggs about every 3 weeks. I wish I knew what to do after they lay but.....then they are gone and start to swim around agan.
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