Cobalt 4 stage canister filter

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Macro Addict
Apr 3, 2012
May be someone has done what I was thinking or has a clue if this may work or not ..

I have a Cobalt 4 stage canister filter with a external inline pump, it is submerged in the tank like recommended on the intake side ,
I get very little water flow out of the return , at first I thought the hoses were clogged .
my question is this if I added a second inline pump and put it on the return side would this give me a better water flow out of the return with out starving the canister or over work either pump ??

thanks for your input as pumps and plumbing are my weak spot
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I'd love to hear from some-one that has made this work. I don't think I've been quite convinced on running two pumps in-line without a break from what I have read.

When we had the hobby farm, we were always told to have a holding tank between pumps but this may have been different pumps or that our pumps were very different flow rates.
both pumps are going to be identical Cobalt EXT800 inline pump says max flow 210gph I think maybe more like 75 gph as weak as it is
right now the flow coming out of the return is like shooting a water pistol , thin weak stream
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got a second pump fingers crossed it will work , but first I need to add a set of ball valves
to make life easier cleaning out the canister,
Hi an older thread I know, but I’m researching this filter for myself. I like the height and Amazon reviews I read so far. OP where you ever able to nail this down? As a general thought, could the outflow have been improved if it was set up outside the tank as a ‘push’ method back into the aquarium ?Are there any other users out there that have any experience with this device? Thanks for any feedback
with the one pump alone no it don't push near what it is rated for so I added a second inline pump , so now there's a pump on both the intake and outlet hoses
this improved the water flow greatly improving the overall performance of the canister .
the additional pump cost about $30 a bit over priced Imo .
Only reason I added the second pump was I had one laying around and not having to buy one otherwise I would have invested in a fluval canister
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Thanks, so I take that as ‘I can do better with something else’ Glad you finally got it worked out though
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