Common plecostomus illnesses

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 9, 2013
I have had my fish tank for the past year and last week I got two plecos and two angel fish. My tank already has some lemon tetra, zebra daneos, guppys and neon tetras. Yesterday, I changed 20% of the water and today I notice one of the angel fish picking on the plecos. After watching them for a bit longer I spotted that the plecos are having trouble breathing and swimming. They are also struggling to attach themselves to the glass and I often find them upside down. I have isolated the angel fish so it can no longer pick on the pleco, but not sure if any of the other fish will try and do the same?

Just now I also noticed that one of the zebra daneos is swimming a bit funny - its hard the explain, like its a bit paralyzed and looks bloated, either eggs or a big belly! and seems to swim near the surface. It looks off balance, its head is tilted below the rest of his/her body. I have had the daneos for nearly a year - since I got the tank so very sad to see it suffer. I have included a video to show what I mean.

I did a strip test just now to see if anything was wrong and all the reading look ok, Maybe the GH and KH are a bit high, but pH, NO2 and NO3 are ok. I dont understand what happened. Before I did the water change the tank was perfectly healthy! :( Please help!
Oh, I have a Rekord 700, 70 ltr tank. Temperature is around 22 degrees. And this is a picture of my pleco....I dont know what specific type it is to look for help. If anyone can identify it - that would be great! Thanks
You added way to much bioload to a far to small tank. To plecos and 2 angel fish in a 20 gallon tank is far too much no matter how small the fish are. Your water is bad due to the stocking. Test strips are inaccurate. Get API freshwater master kit. Don't rely on the LFS to test your water either, they will likely tell you to get more fish.
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