Coreys Died

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 1, 2013
Peyton, CO
Hi Everyone,

I euthanized my older Corey on Saturday, thinking she was just old. Tonight when I got home, my young Corey was dead too. Water parameters are fine. Any ideas? I've lost about 5 (counting the Coreys), fish over the last month and cannot figure out what could be happening. Nothing has changed other than I have added some new aquatic plants, from a reliable source.

Hi Everyone,

I euthanized my older Corey on Saturday, thinking she was just old. Tonight when I got home, my young Corey was dead too. Water parameters are fine. Any ideas? I've lost about 5 (counting the Coreys), fish over the last month and cannot figure out what could be happening. Nothing has changed other than I have added some new aquatic plants, from a reliable source.


How long has the tank been setup and did you QT the plants at all? something could have jumped on board, happens all the time. when you say your parameters are ok, do you have results to hand?
How long has the tank been setup and did you QT the plants at all? something could have jumped on board, happens all the time. when you say your parameters are ok, do you have results to hand?

My tank has been set up for 8 mos. No, I didn't QT the plants. I tested my water and ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are at 0.
Thanks for your response. D
Seems alittle strange for your nitrates to read 0 you should have a result for nitrate. super heavily planted tanks with low bioload can have a 0 nitrate reading do you have ALOT of plants in there?

what else do you have in the tank? what filter(s) are you using? could it be being restricted? how big is the tank? how often and how much water are you changing?

If you don't know whats wrong or the actual parameters of the tank i would do a 50% water change now. Its the very first thing i do when a fish becomes sick and certainly if they're dying.

What were the symptoms if any of the corys before death?
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I also find zero nitrates odd. Corries have a low bioload but not that low. When you added the plants did you happen to "prepare" them first? Bleach or peroxide dip?
I've always had 0 nitrates and used to wonder why. I felt that I should have some for the plants. I have a 36 gal with a 300 canister filter. I'm sure that there is a trace of nitrates, but not measurable on my test kit. The water is colored, but not dark enough to consider it.

If I do a 50% water change, my PH will go off the charts because I have a well. I do a PWC every week, and lightly vacuum the substrate.

I have 2 Angels, some Lyretail Swords, Rasboras, Tetras and a couple of Mollies. Every other fish is eating well, active, and showing no signs of distress. I didn't prepare the plants in anyway, but as I said, I bought them from a very reputable source. One of my Coreys I had for over 4 years, the small one had grown from a teeny baby and after the large one died, it just sat on the bottom inactive.

Thanks for your help-D
Are you using the API liquid tests? I've heard a few times of people getting zero with the nitrate test but not doing it correctly and when they try it properly are always shocked to find there are nitrates.

When you do the nitrate test, there's 2 bottles. I always shake all my bottles a little, but bottle 2, where it says to shake for 30 seconds, you should shake it VIGOROUSLY, shake the bajeebus out of it for the whole 30 seconds, and try to be relatively accurate with how long that goes for. Then when you add it to the testing tube, shake that tube for the whole 1 min it says to relatively hard too. And then wait exactly 5 mins for the results.

I'll be surprised if the nitrates are the issue though. And sorry if you already do this test as i described, but I thought it might be worth the suggestion, just in case :) hopefully you don't lose any more :s

Edit: just curious, does your betta tank accumulate nitrates or does that stay too low to be read as well?
Are you using the API liquid tests? I've heard a few times of people getting zero with the nitrate test but not doing it correctly and when they try it properly are always shocked to find there are nitrates.

When you do the nitrate test, there's 2 bottles. I always shake all my bottles a little, but bottle 2, where it says to shake for 30 seconds, you should shake it VIGOROUSLY, shake the bajeebus out of it for the whole 30 seconds, and try to be relatively accurate with how long that goes for. Then when you add it to the testing tube, shake that tube for the whole 1 min it says to relatively hard too. And then wait exactly 5 mins for the results.

I'll be surprised if the nitrates are the issue though. And sorry if you already do this test as i described, but I thought it might be worth the suggestion, just in case :) hopefully you don't lose any more :s

Edit: just curious, does your betta tank accumulate nitrates or does that stay too low to be read as well?

Yes, I'm using the API liquid tests, but not shaking them as much as you say perhaps. I'm careful when measuring the drops and I am using both bottles.

I don't hink it's nitrates either, and I may never find out. I'll check the betta tank. Good suggestion. Thanks!-D
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