Could this be ich?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 5, 2017
Jonesboro, AR

I bought this Angel yesterday, and I noticed 4 raised white spots on its dorsal fin. My first thought was ich, but the spots look bigger than the pictures I have seen. Any thoughts?
Sarah, the problem certainly might be Ick, but it also might be fungus growing from small injuries to the fins. Watch for white spots on your Angels body and for glancing off the decor. Sure symptoms of Ick. if the problem is fungus, clean water should take care of it. If it's Ick there are links on this site which might help.
Take a flash light to it and shine the body. If you see more treat it fast. I just lost 2 of my beautiful angels just like yours, tried to treat without strong meds and it just got worse for me. Tried heat and salt, didn't work. Now the 4 out of 6 that are left are in a hospital tote being treated with ich-X. Just a heads up. If you gotta treat your fish, be careful when getting some meds.(if you use meds) Some will stain the silicone on your tank blue. If the spots are big and the look like a bubble on the fin should act fast, cause it will most likely be ich. If you have other fish in that tank I'd get your angel out a.s.a.p. so others don't get it.
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