cownfish wont eat/pits on head

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 13, 2010
clownfish wont eat/pits on head

I've had two clown fish for about 6 months. One tank raised one wild. The wild one won't close is mouth and stopped eatting for 3 day. He is find now but the tank raised clown did the same thing (open mouth, stopped eatting) but hasne't eaten in 5 days and has developed small pits on his head on his white strip. His mouth is now closed and is acting normal but still won't eat. The two fish I think are paired up and get along great and none of the other fish bother them or show and signs of illness.
I have no idea what is wrong or what to do

Water quality is perfect
ph 8.2
amonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 5
he's got hole in the head treat will antibiotic from LFS if he lives through he should eat again. it generaly doesn't spread so the rest of your fish should be ok.
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