dead creature :'(

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 7, 2005
Humboldt CA
my abalone died today and i have been so depressed. steve told me not to get one, but i did not listen and now it is dead :"( i got one that was "tropical" though! and i seemed so happy. then it ended up on its back when it tried to turn the corner on the glass and it got picked on and it died a few hours later. then theyver been eating at it like monsters.
my question is should i remove the ab or leave it in there? it is getting picked apart constantly by my 2 cleaner shrimp, many nassarius snails, and serpent star. should i pull it out or let them eat it?

i have been so depressed - i can barely even look at the reef right now...
should i do a water change today?
Check your parameters first. They may have been eating it faster than it could decay in which case it may not have affected your water quality yet. Never leave anything you know is dead in your tank. Unless of course it is hidden and you cannot get it out.
i tested and all is good. i do notice a little film on the surface so i know dissolved organic molecules are on the higher side. i readjusted my skimmer and i just did a 1g change and will do anoher 1 g change tomorrow.


ps. i found some weird shrimps in my refugia. maybe amphipods, but large and they have their claws tucked under the head, like a mantis shrimp. theyre small though, think mysid shrimp size. are they mysids?
organics must be mostly gone now becuas ethe film is gone. all i did was readjust venturi skimmer, add fresh carbon to filter bag, and did two 1-gallon changes. looks good! but i miss the
little green abalone...

thanks for all the help and sympathy all!

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