does anyone know how to

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 10, 2005
does anyone know how mate a pair of clown s mate or at least make the conditions best for a possible pair
I was told by a lfs guy that if you put two of them in the tank at the same time. One will eventualy turns into a female, and they will become a pair. Don't know if this is true or not, but mine are hanging around each other like a pair now.
You have to buy them small enough that they are either still juvi or male. When they mature the dominant fish will become the female and hopefully mate with your remaining clown (if she doesn't kill him first). Good luck!

I don't know if tank size or mates affects this process at all.
my lfs has one tank dedicated to tiny baby tank raised O. Clowns and mainly people buy them in pairs to see their sex change and have them grow up. Mainly the more dominant one will become the female and grow much larger then the male. i dont know what conditions are needed as far as breeding them but i know there are some animals that love clown eggs. that was my first choice of fish was the pair of clowns but the only down fall is i could have went to a different lfs and gotten a clown that had a mated anemone. but i am satisfied with my choice and they have both been doing great in my tank, i will soon have pics in my gallary of them when i have the time.
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