Does it matter in which order you stock?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 12, 2006
Stocking will most likely include:
4-6 Angels (will only be keeping a mated pair though)
Small school of:
Bleeding Heart Tetras
And I've been considering a single Bristlenose.

I'd like to add the angels first so they could pair off quicker... will they get territorial with adding the other fish? I plan on adding a new kind of fish each week so the bioload won't be too bad. Tank will be cycled with used media from my other tanks.

How big is your tank?
I would hope by your stocking list it's at least 75gal =o)

Anyways, I personally would add your schooling fish (tetras, corys, hatchets) first, then your and then your angels last.
I would add the angels after the tetras and hatchet fish. That way they don't get a head start in staking their territory. The cories you can add when you want. Are you worried about the knife eating the cories and then the tetras?
I'm somewhat worried about the cories when the knife gets bigger but I think it will be fine. I'm going to set up plenty of cover for them where the knife won't go, plus he will be well fed and most likely well trained by the time he would consider snacking on a cory. I've kept BGK with smaller fish than corys and tetras and they were fine. Matter of fact, when I was younger I kept a BGK that was 8" in a 20 gallon (10 years old, didn't know better) and he never killed the other fish.

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