Does one snail mean more?!

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My planted tank is full of all different kinds of snails and I never really notice them eating my plants as long as I keep them all fed. They do eat algae off of my plants and I have seen them pick at dead plants but never noticed them eating any healthy plants.
Thank you! And how would i extirminate if they do cuase a problem? I heard to plop a carrot in works!
Snails will not cause a problem in a healthy tank. If you overfeed, there will be more but they will not create some sort of inbalance. I like snails. If I have an unseen fish death, my cleaning crew of snails and red cherry shrimp make short work of the remains. Some people just don't like the look of them but snails are a natural part of the aquatic world. If you want to try to reduce the numbers, try a bit of blanched zucchini or some other green veggie that will attract them. You can remove them at that point. However, it is difficult to totally eradicate snails...once you have them, you have them.
I have several snails that came as freeloaders on my plants. I kept them all, but moved them to a little jar for the time being. I did keep the ramshorn in the tank though - he's fun to watch. Snails can take over a tank, but they don't have to be a problem.
Usually the only time snails are a problem is when the tank is overfed which induces the snails to breed more. Snails like Malaysian trumpet snails are good for areating substrate, they mostly come out at night and also eat detris and some algae. Other snails make good clean up crews as stated above.
Once in awhile I'll see a snail and if he is headed on the glass to the top of the tank, I wait and give him the finger. The fish love something besides flake food.
If you want to exterminate them get a clown loach lol
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