Dwarf cichlid 29 gallon suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 30, 2012
West by God Virginny
The universe sent me a message today: LFS having a $.99 per gallon sale and Petco has a stand 50% off. Husband told me I could get one for my Christmas gift. Going with a 29 gallon.

Never owned cichlids before but I'd like to do dwarfs. Love rams and apistos. I'd like to have one or both species.

I need stocking suggestions for a planted 29 with dwarfs.
What a small world! I too am getting a 29 gallon tank for Christmas and am planning on dwarf cichlids!
The stock I am currently set on is
6 cherry barbs
1 apistogramma
1 German blue ram
1 swordtail
1 dwarf gourami
1 pictus catfish
4 Pygmy Cory's
You could do something like that, here is a base
-1 dwarf cichlid(krib, keyhole, ram, or apisto)
-1 dwarf cichlid(^^^^^^^^^)
-6 middle/top level schooling fish ( tetras, barbs, danios, etc.)
-6 bottom dwellers ( Cory's, loaches, boati, etc.
3 live bearers OR 5 small schooling fish ( swordtails, platys OR neons, galaxy rasboras)
Just a general idea!
I'm nervous about cichlids. I've had my community tank for 10 years, and I've got two planted betta tanks so I'm not a beginner, but I'm not sure where to start and if I should even be going with dwarfs over larger species. What's a good choice for a cichlid newbie? An can dwarfs co-exist with cories?
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