Dwarf frog eating/looking lethargic?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 6, 2012
I recently set up a ten gallon aquarium for my betta fish and bought two little dwarf frogs to put in there as well. The frogs I have had for about a week and a half; when I got them they were both skinny and skittish, however the one has been eating very well, has plumped up and is getting used to me. The other one was eating small bits of food for a while, but was still skittish.
Two nights ago she ate a very small amount of blood worms and then gave up, and last night she refused to eat anything. I wiggled worms in front of her using tweezers, and then I tried pellets, however she just turned away from them. She's also been slow to move and sits at the back, so I tried to give her a little push on her foot so she would come closer to the front so that I could feed her better and she just sat there, instead of hopping away like usual. I actually slid my finger under her chin and, trying to move her, pushed her to the point where she went backward onto her back and didnt bother to get back up. I had to give her a push back onto her tummy. I talked to someone at the fish store who suggested I take her out, so now I have her in a 5 gallon by herself with no gravel or plants, just a cave, and sprinkled pellets along the bottom. Just before transferring her I noticed she was floating at the top in between one of the plants and thought she was dead.

Does anyone have any ideas for me? I'm really worried and do not want her to die on me.

ps. sorry, title should say 'not eating'.
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