Dwarf Frog

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redsea said:
What does an African Dwarf Frog eat?:thanks:

Live guppy fry : or any type of livebearer fry (AWW poor fishies)
Frozen or Freeze Dried Brineshrimp
Frozen or Freeze Dried Bloodworms or Glassworms
HBH Frog and Tadpole Bites
Frozen Beefheart
Frozen or Freeze dried krill or baby shrmp
Earthworms or nightcrawlers choped into small bite sized pieces
Food specially made for frogs found at a pet store

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Ok thank you both. I don't have them, but I was curious what they eat. So it sounds like you need to feed them separately right?
Ok thank you both. I don't have them, but I was curious what they eat. So it sounds like you need to feed them separately right?

Yeah they're nearly blind. I was going to put some in a community tank but Siva talked me out of it. :D It can be done, I've seen it. But it can be complicated and they aren't compatible with a lot of fish (due to being too small, or too large, etc). So I'm going to set up a tank just for them, figure they'll be happier that way and less stress for me too lol
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