Dwarf Gourami has 9 lives?

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The other day, my DGourami in my 10gallion was lying on the ground, sideways, every 2 min or so he would spasm like having a seisure or something, then swim into the glass hard. He was obviously in pain, and my fiancee and I thought he was in his last throws of death (though no clue why). Since he was still alive, and alone in the tank, we left him to go for dinner, and when we came back, he was swimming around.

It has been two days, and now it appears to be fine, eating, swimming, hiding as normal. Has anyone else seen an apparent "death" just turn around like that????
Do you have any test kits? Check your NitrItes and Ammonia levels. These two things can kill a fish, or at the very least significantly reduce its life expectancy...
yes i have kits and, no i have not tested in a couple weeks, but i od 33% pwc every week,and the tank is pretty heavily planted, with only this fish and one tiny molly fry
Welcome to AA, BTW!

Strange behavior is usually a sign that something is wrong. I would keep an eye on him. Look for signs external of illness. Gills, scales, eyes, etc...
Dwarf Gouramis seem to be prone to illness. Moreso then any fish I've kept at least. My DG was also displaying the same type of behavior as yours, but mine at the time had a nasty case of popeye and strange red-sores. It was indeed his last throws of death. Poor guy...
Glad to hear yours is doing good though
could it be he was jumping up and down on the gravel to scratch his gills for ick? I've seen some do this.
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