Dwarf Sagittaria

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 5, 2014
Charleston, SC
Anyone have any experience with them? I just bought some today for my 10G. I have 2 10 watt cfl bulbs and am using seachem tabs and flourish daily. I would like to know what I can expect growth wise, if any.
I have had dwarf sag in 3 tanks under 3 different types of lights.
Under dual t5 NO it grew the slowest. It's a shrimp tank and I don't do any ferts except for the occasional root pellet for the crypts nearby. May 1 or 2 runners in the last few months. Stays green; minimal growth.
Under LEDs (Finnex fugeray) the growth was moderate. The tank was overcrowded plant wise and I suspect that it had a lot of competition for nutrients and light. Root pellets, liquid ferts, and DIY CO2. It was in the tank for about 9 months and the number of plants doubled at least.
Under a pair of 13w CFLs (plus direct sunlight because it is near a window) they are sending out new runners every 2-3 weeks. No CO2 or root pellets; daily dry ferts. This tank is a "not sure what to do with these plants so I'll throw them in here" type of tank.
I had a finnex ray2 over my 10g tank with pressurized co2 and they grew like weeds, staying about 3 or 4 inches tall max. Then I switched the light to a t8 17w fluorescent and removed the co2 and their growth almost halted. Then I added the co2 back on but kept the t8 light and they have started shooting leaves up to the surface like the'yre Vals or something. My tank now looks like a jungle! I think I have a picture of it in my 10g album on my profile.

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