electric blue jack dempsey info

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 2, 2011
Hi I have been looking into these fish but have been getting conflicting info on them. Has anyone got any advice on them? Could one live with my elephant nose ok or would there be probs. Any help would be appreciated :)
It should be ok with your elephant nose, they ten to be more passive than the regular JD
It depends on the fish. Some cichlids do, some wont even touch the snails
Thanks I think I might give it a go, I,ll do some more research tonight. Cheers :)
Electric bleu jack Dempsey is a need fish, but I keep it for know in a 29 gallon out grow tank its 5 inch now. Before he goes to the American cichlid tank. It,s a shy fish and likes to hide
I have a couple of caves would the fish use it? And lots off live plants & driftwood my tanks a 55 going to upgrade after christmas.
shellyx said:
I have a couple of caves would the fish use it? And lots off live plants & driftwood my tanks a 55 going to upgrade after christmas.

I have slates that I made into caves for mine. They are extremely shy so don't be surprised if you only see them at feeding time. If you can acquire them at a size larger than 3-4" you may have better luck. The few I have had in the past never made it past the 3" mark although water parameters were pristine. The pair I have now are about 3.5" and I have almost lost them twice so far to what I can only guess was some sort of internal parasites. Good luck. They really are a stunning fish.
cbourg746 said:
I have slates that I made into caves for mine. They are extremely shy so don't be surprised if you only see them at feeding time. If you can acquire them at a size larger than 3-4" you may have better luck. The few I have had in the past never made it past the 3" mark although water parameters were pristine. The pair I have now are about 3.5" and I have almost lost them twice so far to what I can only guess was some sort of internal parasites. Good luck. They really are a stunning fish.

Thanks, he's at 4inches, like you say very stunning :)
Well I brought one home today, he lasted 5mins when I released him & had a fight with my elephant nose! Took him straight back to my lfs, when I got their the staff had a hold of him & he bit a hole in the bag! He was one angry fish lol so at least I can say I had one!
Wow! Sorry it didn't work out. Do they have another one at that size? It could be just that one's temperament.
rocksor said:
Wow! Sorry it didn't work out. Do they have another one at that size? It could be just that one's temperament.

That was the only one. He was a beautiful looking fish. It had been handed into my lfs, the guy said it was shy & just hid! Wasn't shy at all in my tank, it's a shame but I tried :)
You should have no problems make sure the J D is big enough to hold his own against another fish before putting him in electric blues are pretty weak fish when they are young an tend to get picked on.so keep an eye on him If he's small.
PolyptRus said:
You should have no problems make sure the J D is big enough to hold his own against another fish before putting him in electric blues are pretty weak fish when they are young an tend to get picked on.so keep an eye on him If he's small.

Had to return him, he attacked my elephant nose he's been left with bite marks. Maybe in the future I,ll get another but not while I have my elephant he's my pride & joy
Ebjd aren't all shy or passive. Each fish is different. Mine are VERY personable and they seem to have normal aggression at their present size compared a reg JD.

What is your water temp? High temps can increase aggression too.
My temp was 26, he,d had a hard time in the lfs before I brought him home he was in with a large birchir which was harassing him & nipping him he was all over the place bumping of things, then when I acclimated him & put him in my tank my elephant nose wouldn't leave him alone & a fight broke out, had to take him back my elephant had bite marks on him. I was really disappointed he was stunning, decided that I would definitely get another but not while I have my elephant.
This is my baby electric blue when I look really close I can see two little sharp buck teeth on him wonder if he will lose them once he grows


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I was reading this entire post and I got so excited to see someone else saying their EBJD hid. I have 5 EBJD's and 5 blue gene hoping for a pair. They are under 2" right now but thriving for the most part. I have ich in the tank and raised the temp and doing daily water changes of 50%. Hoping this won't last much longer. Research is so sketchy with these guys. BTW PolyptRus your EBJD is gorgeous.
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