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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 1, 2014
Central Maine
I'm a sucker for loaches, especially the less common ones, and last week I bought a schistura from the LFS on an impulse. Right now she's in a 10 gallon while I cycle a 20 gallon I can put her into. Schistura, love high current and very clean water, and so my plan is to use either an oversized filter (55 gallon rated) or a set of powerheads to create very high water turnover, like in the flow of a river or in a pool under a waterfall. I was wondering what other fish would appreciate a setup like this- especially fish that would occupy upper water layers like tetras or danios. Any thoughts or suggestions?
White clouds or zebra danios I know are pretty common in these set ups as both do well in the lower temps some of hillstream-type loaches prefer. Many types of rasboras or tetras would also probably be fine, as would some gobies.
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