Feeding convict fry

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 21, 2011
What food and how much should i feed convict fry and how often. My first eggs ever!! So im not really sure.
I have several (constantly) spawning pairs of cutteri, closely related to convicts but much easier to get along with. I feed all my fish once daily, either NLS Grow or 1mm Cichlid pellets. The cutteri fry grow out just fine (at least the ones that the catfish miss) w/out any special attention or extra feeding.
Toss in what looks like enough food for all the fish, and see if there's any left the next morning. Not a problem for me, I have BN pleco's growing out in just about every tank. They clean up any leftovers, I just have to clean the poop out of the filters weekly.
If the tank is well established the tiny fry will graze on micro-critters between feedings. Sponge filters are also good for tiny fry to graze on. Unless something eats them you'll most likely have more than you'll know what to do with even w/out any particular effort on your part.
Ok now they are wrigglers. They look like eggs with a little crazy tail and 2 little eyes. Do i feed em yet?
They will eat the attached egg sack first, well, I should say absorb. That is their first "food". Afterwards they will depend on you, Hikari first bites, frozen baby brine shrimp, frozen daphnia are all good for raising fry. If you use the frozen foods, thaw them out in a cup of tank water before feeding.
I have brine eggs but thats a lot to fuss with on hatchin em. Will crushed flake be fine?
I said frozen baby brine. It's much easier to deal with.

Regular flake is fine once they are larger, but since they are wigglers, you want small foods easy for them to eat and that has what growing baby fish will need. Regular flake is made for adults.
They won't be ready to eat till they are swimming around in the tank. Live foods are best for newborn fry, I always have a much higher survival rate when I feed live, they seem to go after it much better, plus it doesn't foul up the water as easily. I've been successful feeding powdered flake and powdered pellets though.

After a few days/weeks I notice that the fry don't really care as much.
I have a tetra whisper 3i filter and dont want any of the few wigglers i have to get sucked up. What can i put over the filter head? I dont have acces to panty hose
I have a stocking (Panty hose) on my filter. Seems to work great. You should just buy some. Sometimes the fry eat of it it too.

As for food.

I make my own, here's how.

10-20 Mushed up "Super Soft" spirulina pellets.
A good bit of Crushed flakes.
A pinch of Hikari Micro Pellets
3-5 mashed "Tetra Jumbo Krill" (Any freeze dried krill should work)

That makes a small little baggy. Like 3"x3".

My fry seem to be doing great.

Hope this helps!
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