Female platy sick

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 13, 2014
My female platy Cas has been acting very off recently, hanging around the filter not swimming around as per usual. She looks very bloated, but does not have the pine-coneing dropsy signs. She's been acting this way for about two to three weeks now. She hasn't been pooping as far as I can tell, but when she does it's white and stringy. I'm thinking internal parasites. She did just give birth to about 4-5 fry recently.

The water conditions are good; no ammonia, nitrites 0, nitrates <20. the other fish appear normal, except for a fish I recently had to euthanize for having a bunch of diseases at once (pop eye, fin rot, velvet). other than acting odd and being bloated, she appears to be fine. Anyone know what's going on? she's such a pretty fish.
She was getting hassled a little bit, so I moved her to a different tank for now. she's still eating fine, but not pooping as far as I've seen.
also, one other platy had similar stringy feces so I'm treating them both with API general parasite cure for now.
Try feeding her some crused peas, nuke them in micro for 30 sec and remove skins...this is good for constipation....good luck!
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